Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ethics In Digital Photojournalism Essay - 1152 Words

The instant we pick up a camera, the image has already been edited and the credibility of the photojournalist is already on the line. The ability and practice of people to be able to edit what goes into the composition of a photograph begins when they pick up a camera and even possibly when they decide to take a photograph of something. The work of a photojournalist is to relay images to the public via news sources in a way that gives people as much information about a topic as possible in the most neutral way possible. While no human being can be entirely objective about a given scenario it is the prerogative of the photojournalist to provide images that evoke the heart of a story without being manipulative to the viewer. This means that†¦show more content†¦This practice and art of inclusion versus exclusion is that first piece of editing and is where the credibility of the photojournalist begins to be built because they’re making an ethical choice about what they t hink needs to make it to the public eye and also in what form that should come. Choosing something distasteful or radically inaccurate to present as truth is unsteady ground for many and that is only increased in a profession where your career is on the line and you are constantly asked to back up what you’re presenting in the form of journalism or other forms of mass media and information dispersal. The second piece that comes in is the choice about what elements to bring up in a photograph. Some angles emphasize things in the foreground, or make a building seem more grandiose or larger than it really is based on optical perspectives created through the camera’s lens. For instance, a photograph of a dog shot straight on, looking into its eyes and close up might suggest a closeness of the animal and even a friendship like that between the dog and its owner. However, by standing up and tilting the lens down on the dog makes it seem smaller, less powerful and even important. The inclusion of that dogs ball next to it makes it seem playful, but without it could seem adoring or expecting, even demanding. If theseShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Quinns Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating Whats Acceptable?1578 Words   |  6 PagesPliable is Morality? Quinn expresses a fundamental concern with the validity and objectivity of journalism with the coming of the digital age, and the increasing role that digital/information technology plays in media that reports or represents reality. Quinn begins his 2004 paper with the mention of the transition of non-digital/traditional photography into mainly digital photography with respect to journalism. 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